This is an open-access collection of resources about metaphors in science. You are free to reuse, modify, and share them in any non-commercial way with credit to this site/its creators.
But who are we? Erika Szymanski, a rhetorician of science and science and technology studies researcher at Colorado State University. Bethany Eveleth, a high-school teacher who’s fired up about making a more socially just world, one classroom (or one website) at a time. And Theo Altmaier, an artist whose work is about inviting people of all identities to connect with the figures they see in paintings and illustrations. Erika came up with the idea and wrote most of the text. Bethany did much of the background research and most of the work to develop the site map, and helped Erika refine the idea. Theo made the illustrations.
Funding to develop these materials came from the National Science Foundation, award #1935361.