No one can predict all of the ways that someone else might interpret or extend any given metaphor (because meaning is produced in context and communication contexts vary widely). You can make a careful, sincere effort and still fall afoul of undesirable interpretations.

Scientists (and everyone) should watch out for and avoid metaphors that stereotype historically marginalized groups or that reinforce damaging power inequities.

Especially when (thinking about) introducing a new metaphor, scientists should consider the range of contexts in which it might be used and aim to avoid metaphors that are likely to lead to technical misunderstandings [or to suggest undesirable applications (recognizing that some applications will be desirable to some people and undesirable to others)].

Some metaphors come with strong emotional resonances or connotations, often derived from human social interactions (e.g. war, invasive species, colonizers, etc.).       

Because no one can anticipate all of the ways in which a metaphor might be interpreted or extended, scientists should listen/remain aware of popular, policy, and trade writing in their fields and account for how their field’s metaphors are being used in these wider contexts as they continue to work with and develop them in technical scientific contexts.